Daajing Giids news briefs for Aug. 1, 2024

    A sailboat returns to the Daajing Giids marina on a blue-sky day in July. (Andrew Hudson photo)

    Double bursaries from the Village of Daajing Giids

    Local high school graduates Paisley Nelson and Daymon Wrubel were each awarded $500 bursaries by the Village of Daajing Giids last week.

    The village bursary usually goes to just one student, but the two wowed the mayor and council enough that Mayor Lisa Pineault put in $500 of her own money so Nelson and Wrubel both received awards.

    “They’re both wonderful kids and good students,” said Mayor Pineault at the July 22 council meeting. Councillors thanked Pineault for her contribution.

    Daymon Wrubel will attend Vancouver Island University this fall to study restaurant management. He hopes to return to Haida Gwaii and open his own restaurant with his culinary arts certificate.

    Paisley Nelson will major in environmental and sustainability studies at the University of Northern British Columbia. For the third summer in a row, she has been employed with Haida Gwaii Recreation, where she helps with youth camps and programs.

    Laneway speed limits set to drop

    A bylaw that will reduce the speed limit on village laneways from 50 km/h to 20 km/h passed first and second reading at the July 22 Daajing Giids council meeting.

    A concerned community member brought the idea to council, and councillors agreed that the default speed limit could be a safety issue. New 20 km/h speed-limit signs will be installed over the coming weeks, but will remain bagged until council gives the bylaw a final reading in early fall.

    The proposed bylaw will affect various lanes between 2nd and 3rd Avenues, and one on 1st Street. 

    A crush for Daajing Giids derelicts

    Daajing Giids residents will soon be able to take advantage of a one-time service to take derelict vehicles for recycling off-island.

    As of press time, it is unclear what the service will cost. 

    A Kristoff Trucking vehicle crusher is scheduled to offer a similar service in Sandspit and will be brought over Daajing Giids to crush unwanted or derelict vehicles for transport.

    The village will work with the RCMP and the company to make sure no uninsured vehicles remain on village roads or rights of way. 

    Residents can keep their uninsured vehicles on private property.

    The Village of Daajing Giids will release more information about the program soon.