Feeling lonely as a new kid on the Gwaii

(Microsoft Designer image)

Dear Annie,

I moved to the island about a year ago for a job. I’ve been working during the week; and exploring on weekends. I love the slow pace of life and the amount of time I get to spend outdoors. It’s an absolutely beautiful territory filled with inspiring people.

Since moving here, I’ve made a few friends at my workplace, but beyond that I’m beginning to feel a little lonely. I see all these amazing groups of folks with such amazing friend groups and I have to say — I’m jealous! Potlucks, adventure buddies, walking pals… I want to build my social connections.

The thing is, I feel like everyone is already in other committed friendships and not looking for more friends. I haven’t had such difficulty making friends before now.

I’ve heard that adult friendships are harder to build, but can’t help but think I’m doing something wrong. Do you have any friendship-making tips?

Lonely Heart

Dear Lonely Heart,

It’s completely natural to feel a bit lonely when you’re in a new place, especially when it seems like others already have established social circles. Know that you are not the first to feel this way.

Building new friendships can be challenging, but it’s important to remember that it’s often a matter of time and effort. It’s great that you’re aware of what you’re looking for and that you’re open to new connections.

Sometimes, it takes putting yourself out there in new and varied ways. Consider joining local clubs or groups that align with your interests or attending community events where you might meet like-minded people.

Volunteering can also be a fantastic way to meet others while contributing to a cause you care about. Here are a few local spots you might find what you’re seeking: Evening adult sports groups (ex: soccer, pickleball, volleyball), volunteering with your fire department, book readings and other library events.

Remember, building meaningful friendships often requires patience. 

It might feel slow at first, but with each new connection you make, you’re adding to your network and enriching your experience on the island. Keep being open and approachable, and don’t hesitate to reach out to others. Often, people are more receptive than we expect.

Wishing you all the best in your journey to find new friends,
