Passion Fuels Community


First and most, my heart is with the family members, friends and community who are experiencing loss. If there’s anything I can do…

I was standing in a changing wind, wondering if I had the determination to continue to try to make a paper fire burn in weather that was predicted to be ‘possible showers.’ Encouraging this fire to burn is turning out to be a much bigger task than I predicted. The showers are turning to actual rain. I have a couple of hours of free time. Go to the beach and burn old tax documents, and a few other odd things. Get some fresh air. Good idea. Will not take long.

Getting rid of things from the past gets you thinking about what once was, and where you are now. And in a digital world, what do you really need to keep? What has changed? What is the same?

We’re still pretty fresh into this new year. Did we set goals for ourselves? What do you feel passionate about? Resolutions?

Something I’ve observed over the past few years is just how much our communities operate and thrive through the passion of the people who live in our communities.

It has always been an interest of mine to participate on boards and councils, even from a high school age. There are so many others in your communities who are putting in their attention and time to make wonderful programs and events. That’s the heart of our communities. I have such appreciation for all the work and dedication of so many individuals to make every event and growth happen.

A special warm ‘see you later’ to the Hobbs family, who I was so happy to catch at the end of their farewell dinner. Your work and volunteerism gathered such a warm send-off. All your participation in the community will be missed. Wishing the best for you all in your next adventures.

Literacy programs. Arts programs and events. Sporting events. School programs/events. Councils. Boards, and your municipalities. If any of your goals this year feel like there’s a direction you would like to focus some energy in your community, there are so many ways to participate.

Warming my soggy feet around the paper fire that I had finally encouraged to get going with some wood, saying bye to documents and a few objects of past days, I considered what is important for 2025 and beyond. Running for mayor was a job I was encouraged to consider, and it’s turned into a job much more rewarding than I could have planned for. I would pass this favour forward and encourage anyone who has ever considered municipal politics: come to public meetings. Get involved.

Or, perhaps consider being a volunteer firefighter?

However you would like to spend your time, your community’s events and programs get even better with everyone’s participation and fresh energy. I’m learning this by participating in community events over the years, participating in different ways, and watching all the building and infrastructure work being done. Also, watching all the plans to come unfold. The voice of community members is what informs councils on what is a priority for our communities.

Masset and Old Massett are witnessing progress, and it is because of the dedicated staff and councils. Attending meetings with ministers/cabinet for the Province of BC to support Old Massett in projects for our communities was a recent example of how communities working together make a stronger voice. I look forward to everything we can achieve.

Thank you to Haida Gwaii News for being another platform for communication for our communities.

See you out there this year!