A Northern Haida Gwaii Perspective


I’ve been listening to pieces of other people’s lives and their conversations with one another while traveling into the snow and sun, and back. Walking through airports, restaurants, hotel lobbies, and various waiting areas, I started to notice some common themes.

Politics, headlines, news—it seems that when we have made up our minds, we become very set in what we believe to be true. When flipping or scrolling through articles and headlines, what catches our attention? More often than not, we seem wired to read or pay attention to information that agrees with our own opinions. This is called confirmation bias. Then, if we hear something opposed to our political alignment or general opinion, we immediately label it as bad or wrong.

I would challenge each person to listen with a little more intention and an open heart the next time you hear something you don’t exactly agree with. Understanding perspectives that differ from our own is an opportunity for us to grow as individuals.

Another theme that came up frequently was how many people go on vacation to escape their regular, everyday lives. Most stories include details of how boring or stressful their daily routines are. Vacations in the sun were often events they eagerly marked on their calendars, something to look forward to. The thought of returning home soon would often fill them with depression and dread.

Family Day 2025 is a newer holiday to be observed in our province, and this year, it coincided with a significant event on Haida Gwaii: federal leaders formally expressed recognition for Haida Title. A celebration was held at the community hall in Skidegate. If you ask any person what gaining recognition of title means, provincially and now federally, the answers will all be different—but common threads of optimism and acknowledgment that there is much work ahead remain clear.

As residents of Haida Gwaii, I look forward to the solutions the future will bring. Building our future does not have to repeat the dark parts of the past. In fact, it doesn’t have to resemble the past at all. With the rest of the world watching to see what happens with the title agreements, we have an opportunity to lead by example—creating a new way of living together, connected with one another and the lands we inhabit.

The Vancouver Island Regional Library (VIRL) is a board I am proud to sit on, and I recently attended its AGM. Libraries are a system that is entirely free to the public and available to everyone. This single board oversees 39 branches that serve over 16 school districts and four health authorities. It’s incredible to witness what VIRL can accomplish as one board, especially considering how many other boards and special groups must exist to serve schools and hospitals within the same area.

Libraries are so much more than books on shelves. Almost half of their lending is now digital. In the winter, they offer a place to warm up; in the summer, a place to cool down. Their meeting rooms are in high demand, and various literacy events are hosted throughout the year. There are so many reasons to visit your local library. If you don’t already have a library card, please visit your local branch! Your participation helps us advocate for maintaining and growing what we have.

Masset is building a new library branch, in partnership with Old Massett’s Xaad Kil (Haida Language) group. The current VIRL Executive Director has done an incredible job working with Old Massett to develop this space and bring the idea to life. The new Masset library will be a valuable resource for those who move to or visit Haida Gwaii, offering them a chance to learn about the place they have just arrived in.

Our community and connections are part of why Haida Title carries so much optimism. Growth is never easy—it requires breaking old cycles and trying something new to move forward. Connect with your community through your wonderful libraries. Be open to being wrong, and challenge yourself to listen to or read articles that don’t immediately appeal to you. Every day is an opportunity to take a step in a direction you’ll be proud of in the future.