10.5 C
Monday, October 14, 2024

Janet Rigg

written articles

Approaching fall

Do you smell it? The hint of wood smoke in the air? The slight stench of decay? Do you notice a taste on the back...

Scrambled by an outage and the 21st-century lawn dart

So how did you fare through the Great Internet Outage of September 13 to 16? I was on a video session, and had just marvelled...

Legacies large and small

What do you want to leave when you’re gone? This week, a megayacht, the Liva O, sailed into town and was truly a sight...

Summoning summer 

As I sit here and watch the drizzle coming down outside, I’m feeling wistful for even a slight hint of summer weather. And yet, I...

Connecting in Tll.aal

I’m currently helping facilitate a workshop on addiction in Old Massett — a workshop based in culture and ceremony, enriched by learning. Did you know...

Janet Rigg: ‘Watermelongate’ suggests high food costs are a new normal

Scandal gripped southern Haida Gwaii last week when photos of a watermelon half mistakenly priced at $47.77 circulated widely on Facebook. With the mistaken sticker...

Relationship rhododendrons

When I was a child, my Scottish mother would refer to the beautiful, huge flowering bushes in our yard as “rhoddies.” As a result, I...

Tll.aal ~ Giid Tll’juus (Tlell ~ Balance) 

Giid Tll’juus means balance in X̱aayda Kil. It’s a state of being we necessarily strive for in every moment of our lives.  What hangs in...

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