Haida Nation signs historic title agreement 


    In a landmark moment for Haida Gwaii, the Haida Nation officially signed a Title Agreement with the Government of Canada today in Skidegate, securing formal recognition of Haida title to the lands of Haida Gwaii. The  Chiixuujin / Chaaw Kaawgaa “Big Tide (Low Water)” Haida Title Lands Agreement marks a major step in Indigenous land rights, self-determination, and reconciliation.

    The ceremony, attended by Haida leadership, elders, youth, and community members, was a powerful affirmation of a struggle that has spanned generations. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was present for the signing, acknowledging the significance of the agreement and the long road to achieving it.

    Gaagwiis Jason Alsop, President of the Council of the Haida Nation (CHN), reflected on the importance of this recognition, connecting it to the work of past leaders.

    “The recognition of Haida title to Haida Gwaii by Canada acknowledges historic injustices and illustrates the transformative possibilities of working together for what is right,” said Gaagwiis. “It takes leadership to recognize a wrong, begin the process of healing from a troubled history, and trust in the ability to forge a new relationship based on respect. This recognition of title by Canada – which was initiated in 1913 by our past leaders – means that we can begin a new era of peaceful co-existence knowing that we can look after Haida Gwaii and ensure the well-being of all who call these shining islands home.”

    The agreement establishes a nation-to-nation relationship between the Haida Nation and Canada, affirming Haida governance over land and waters. It also lays the foundation for further negotiations on land stewardship, resource management, and self-governance.

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the agreement “a milestone for reconciliation,” recognizing that Indigenous title and sovereignty must be respected.

    As the agreement was signed, Haida drumming and singing filled the George Brown Recreation Centre, echoing the resilience and strength of the Nation. While this recognition is a victory, Haida leaders emphasized that there is still work ahead in implementing full self-determination and ensuring a future rooted in Haida laws and values.