Kids win cookie medals at first-ever Tour de Port

Soren enjoys his post-Tour ice cream and cookie medal. (Submitted photo)

Pinks were jumping in Masset Inlet as families gathered at the picnic table by the Port Clements swimming hole on Sunday for the first-ever Tour de Port.

The energy was high as children arrived with bikes in tow, high-fives connecting all around. 

The lively swim-cycle-run event was designed specifically for children.

The idea for the Tour de Port originated from a group of local parents who are passionate runners and wanted to create a positive, energetic event for kids. 

They came up with a fun-filled course that starts with an ocean dip, then a bike ride, and ends with a run up to the Community Park.

Finishers arrived to cheers from parents and fellow racers, and to ice-cream treats generously provided by the Port Clements Recreation Commission.

The ice-cream sundaes were not the only sweet touch to the day’s festivities — local parent Leidys Barrios contributed beautifully crafted cookie medals. 

Every participant was awarded a delicious keepsake.

A total of 11 young athletes ages three to 13 joined the inaugural tour, with enthusiastic support from area families. 

The collective effort and tight-knit community spirit helped make the Tour de Port a memorable and heartwarming occasion that celebrates our kids and fosters a love of physical activity. 

Seeing the smiles made it all worthwhile, and set a high bar for future events in Port.