Talyor Bacrach: Listening to concerns on Haida Gwaii


By Taylor Bachrach, MP for Skeena—Bulkley Valley

Thanks to everyone who made my Parliamentary team welcome during our visit to Haida Gwaii last month. It was a good opportunity to connect with people, share about our legislative wins like dental care and pharmacare, and reflect on the unique needs of remote communities.

We heard from many of you regarding housing challenges. Unfortunately many federal strategies focus on forcing density in the big cities, while rural communities need support for core infrastructure and direct investment in non-market housing for seniors and lower income residents. We continue to push for these investments.

It was clearly evident in our conversations that restoring the full Northern Residents Tax Deduction for Haida Gwaii is a high priority. It’s a top focus for me, too. I’m working with my NDP colleagues on strategies to make the change a reality, and will be tabling the latest petition before Parliament rises later this month. The current cost of living challenges highlight the longstanding need for Haida Gwaii to receive the full deduction.

I also heard concerns about the accelerating climate crisis. The stark reality is that drought, fire, and erosion are likely to be a constant challenge in the future. At the community roundtable I held in Daajing Giids, we had an important discussion about how to strengthen our social fabric so communities are more resilient when emergencies strike. My NDP colleagues and I continue to press the government to provide the resources for climate adaptation and emergency preparedness.

On the mitigation side, Haida Gwaii continues to lead in B.C. on renewable energy — from solar to tidal. If there’s anything that can temper the sense of despair many feel in the face of climate change, it’s evidence of concrete action.

Haida Gwaii has led the way on other issues, too. A decade ago, in the face of Enbridge’s Northern Gateway project, people came together around a vision of protecting our coast from crude oil tankers. The result was the North Coast Oil Tanker Moratorium Act, which keeps giant crude tankers out of the north and central coast. Unfortunately it looks like we have a fight on our hands because the Conservatives have promised if they’re elected they’ll scrap the moratorium altogether. The law also comes up for legislative review this year.

I want to congratulate the Haida Nation on the recent provincial legislation affirming their title to Haida Gwaii. It’s an historic step: the first time Aboriginal Title has been affirmed without a court ruling. I must say I was troubled that the individual who wants to be your next Member of Parliament skipped both votes on this matter. How can one lead if one’s not willing to show up?

In closing, I want to personally thank your MLA Jennifer Rice for her hard work over the past decade. Jen has brought a ton of heart to the role and delivered a lot for the communities of the Northwest Coast and Haida Gwaii. It’s been great working with her, and I wish her all the best with her next chapter.

As always, I welcome your feedback. You can email me anytime at [email protected].

